AI tools in Ecommerce

ChatGPTListing optimizationMarketplace SEO
By Yuval Ginor, Dec 14,2023

AI tools in eCommerce

In this post we will explore how AI tools can help sellers and the best practices of using AI tools in ecommerce. Sellers that learn how to harness ChatGPT’s potential can use it to significantly improve their listings’ exposure and overall performance on marketplaces.

The arrival of ChatGPT has made the use of artificial intelligence common and widespread, attracting people of all kinds to harness its immense potential for their own benefits.

One of the sectors that has greatly benefited from this technological progress is the ecommerce world, where such AI tools as ChatGPT can help streamline optimization processes, such as generating highly optimized listing content. Sellers that learn how to harness ChatGPT’s potential can use it to significantly improve their listings’ exposure and overall performance in marketplaces.  

Advantages of AI in ecommerce

Although this is not the first time artificial intelligence is being used in ecommerce, the major advancements presented by ChatGPT and the likes are very significant. First of all, these AI tools have become much more accessible to everyone, as they are very simple to use and require no prior knowledge in machine learning. Second, the new AI tools’ capabilities are much better than ever seen before. In addition, these tools are very versatile and may be used in numerous sectors in industries. Finally, ChatGPT’s popularity is mainly due to the fact that using it properly can help save businesses a lot of resources and cut down on costs, as it performs many resource-consuming tasks efficiently and quickly. 

Artificial Intelligence uses in ecommerce 

  1. Listing Optimization: ChatGPT can actually generate original content that is already optimized to any marketplace’s demands and rules. Simply give ChatGPT a core description of the product, and the specific marketplace, and ChatGPT will generate content that will help improve the performance of product listings in any given marketplace. 
  2. Categorization: Categorization, meaning the placing of products in their correct category in the marketplace, is highly important to the listing’s visibility. ChatGPT can streamline the process of categorization by suggesting the most relevant and apt categories for specific products. 
  3. Image Generation: There are AI tools, such as Midjurney or DALL-E 2, that can generate an image based on a text prompt, and can help sellers create enhanced product images.  

Using AI in ecommerce

The Prompt

Before getting into the details of how to use AI tools to optimize product listings, we should first talk about the prompt - the input we give the tool in order to get the desired result. 

A prompt is the text query you give the AI tool to make it go to work. It is whatever you want the tool to do, so the prompt should include the context for the query, the desired result, and other relevant information. Based on the details given to it in the prompt, the AI tool will generate an appropriate answer, and the quality of the answer depends a lot on the information provided in the prompt. 

For example, if you want ChatGPT to generate a product title, the prompt should state what the product is, what are the attributes you want to highlight, and to which marketplace it is destined.  

Generating Optimized Titles

Optimizing listings’ titles is one of the key ways to reach the top of the search results page. 

However, not everyone is an SEO expert, and unless you can afford to hire SEO experts to do the work, learning how to do it properly and getting to know the different algorithms takes a lot of time and effort. 

This is where AI tools come in. Instead of investing plenty of resources on title optimization, AI tools can generate multiple optimized product titles in almost an instant!

Generating Optimized Descriptions

Creating engaging and optimized content for your product listings can be a daunting task. The content should contain various keywords and keyphrases, be written in a legible and engaging manner, and include all the information that may be important to shoppers. In addition, adjustment should be made when using the content in different channels, as each one has its own demands (number of characters allowed, specific formats, etc.). Compared to titles, much  more resources are required to create a high quality product description. Luckily, AI tools in ecommerce can be a big help in this as well. 

AI tools can instantly generate high quality content for product listings, and optimize it according to the demands of each specific marketplace, so you can use it across multiple channels. Make sure the prompt includes the product, its attributes, and channels’ rules, and you will get a high quality, optimized product description that is sure to boost conversion rates. 

Generating Optimized Content for Multiple Products

So, using AI tools to generate optimized content for marketplaces is great, but what if I need to create lots of titles and products? How can I do it without having to keep rewriting the prompt for every product? 

Well, there is a hack for that: by using a simple Excel spreadsheet you can create instant prompts for ChatGPT, for multiple different products. Here how it goes:

  1. Open a new Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Create the following columns in your file: original title, keywords you would like to integrate, columns with values of relevant product attributes e.g. brand, model, color, gender, size, material or condition. Create a column for the prompt and columns with a resulting product description.
  3. Paste your current product titles in the relevant column and fill in the relevant values and keywords for the products
  4. Create a formula in prompt column that will contain the relevant command and concatenate the relevant values from the cells. Include necessary instructions regarding the title length or word usage. Instruct the gen AI to avoid repetitions. E.g “Create a product description from the <concatenate the cell with the original description>. Do not exceed <specify the maximum allowed length>. Use the following keywords <concatenate from the cells> and the following product attributes <concatenate from the cells>. Remove duplicated references from the created title.”
  5. Now simply copy the text generated under “prompt” and paste into ChatGPT. 
  6. Copy the answer ChatGPT gives you into the resulting product description column and use it as your product title/description.

Remember! As impressive as AI tools are, they are still prone to mistakes. That is why it is important to always review the texts generated by these tools before using them. 


AI tools in ecommerce such as ChatGPT or any other generative AI, can help sellers boost their product listings position to the top of the search results page, which, in turn, will increase conversion rates and sales. Sellers can use AI tools to generate original and optimized content, or upgrade and adjust their existing content to better fit the marketplace’ search engine, driving the discoverability and findability of their product listings. 

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