Amazon SEO vs Google SEO: The Differences for Online Sellers

Marketplace SEO
By Pavel Zaslavsky, Mar 26,2024

Amazon SEO vs Google SEO Understanding the Differences for Online Sellers

Optimizing for Amazon and Google SEO is a pivotal strategy for sellers aiming to increase their online visibility. This post delves into the crucial differences and strategies of Amazon SEO vs Google SEO for effectively leveraging optimization on both platforms, guiding sellers on how to enhance their conversion rates and sales.

In the digital realm, the prominence of Google and Amazon is undeniable. These giants dominate their respective spheres – Google as the supreme search engine and Amazon as the colossal e-commerce platform. For online sellers, mastering the SEO dynamics of both platforms is not just beneficial but essential for business growth. Understanding the distinct approaches required for Amazon SEO vs Google SEO can significantly influence your traffic, conversion rates, and overall sales.

Amazon Explained: The E-Commerce SEO Giant

Amazon isn't just a marketplace; it's a search engine specialized in products. This distinction is crucial for sellers who must optimize their product listings to thrive. Unlike conventional search engines, Amazon's algorithm focuses intensely on internal metrics like sales history, customer feedback, and relevant keywords. External factors like your website's performance don't sway your Amazon rankings, making it imperative to master Amazon-specific SEO strategies.

To excel on Amazon, compliance with its guidelines is the first step. Beyond this, optimizing your product listings is vital. This means employing strategic keywords, ensuring high-quality images, and gathering positive reviews to improve visibility and conversion rates.

Google Explained: The Broad Spectrum of SEO

Google's SEO landscape is broader, considering numerous factors beyond what Amazon examines. Backlinks, site speed, click-through rates, and technical elements play significant roles in how your website ranks. For sellers, this means a more complex SEO strategy that goes beyond product listings to encompass website optimization, content quality, and technical SEO.

While there are overlaps in SEO practices for Amazon and Google, such as the importance of content quality and keyword optimization, Google's SEO requires a broader and more technical approach.

Key Similarities and Differences

Both platforms reward performance with better rankings, but what constitutes "performance" varies. For Amazon, sales and conversions are king. For Google, it's about traffic generation and engagement. While both platforms offer sponsored and organic results, Google's advertising capabilities are more extensive than Amazon's.

The Crucial Differences:

  1. Keywords: Google favors rich, contextually relevant long-tail keywords, whereas Amazon focuses on direct, product-related keywords.

  2. External Links: Vital for Google SEO, these links bolster your site's authority and rankings. In contrast, Amazon does not consider external links for ranking but leveraging them can drive traffic to your listings.

  3. SEO Objectives: Google's SEO aims to match user queries with relevant results, using click-throughs as a success metric. Amazon's SEO focuses on conversions, with completed purchases indicating success.

To optimize your online presence and sales, it's imperative to understand and act upon the crucial differences between Amazon and Google SEO. Here's a more detailed look at these differences and practical steps you can take for each platform.

Keywords: Precision vs. Context


  • Research: Use Amazon-specific keyword tools to find high-converting keywords. Tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout can offer insights into what potential buyers are searching for on Amazon.
  • Optimize: Place your keywords strategically in your product title, description, bullet points, and backend search terms. Ensure they are relevant and precisely match the shopper's intent.
  • Monitor: Keep an eye on your product's performance and adjust keywords based on trends and changing consumer behavior.

Action Steps:

  1. Conduct keyword research using Amazon-focused tools.
  2. Optimize listings with relevant keywords without keyword stuffing.
  3. Regularly review and update keywords based on performance analytics.


  • Research: Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify long-tail keywords that potential customers might use to find products or services related to yours.
  • Optimize: Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website’s content, blog posts, meta descriptions, and alt tags.
  • Build: Focus on building a comprehensive content strategy that addresses your audience's needs and queries, integrating your keywords contextually.

Action Steps:

  1. Identify relevant long-tail keywords with Google Keyword Planner.
  2. Optimize website content, including blogs, product descriptions, and images.
  3. Develop a content strategy that aligns with user search intent and incorporates identified keywords.

External Links: Authority vs. Traffic


  • While external links don’t influence Amazon rankings directly, they can drive targeted traffic to your listings. Use social media, blogs, or influencer partnerships to link back to your Amazon products.
  • Create compelling content that provides value and subtly directs consumers to your Amazon listings.
  • Monitor the traffic and conversion rates from these external sources to ensure they are beneficial.

Action Steps:

  1. Promote Amazon listings through external channels like social media or blogs.
  2. Create engaging and informative content that includes links to your Amazon products.
  3. Track the performance of external traffic and adjust strategies accordingly.


  • Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks to increase your website's authority and improve rankings. Guest blogging, industry partnerships, and digital PR can be effective strategies.
  • Ensure that the backlinks are from reputable sources within your niche to enhance relevance and trustworthiness.
  • Regularly audit your backlink profile to remove any toxic links that could harm your SEO efforts.

Action Steps:

  1. Develop a backlink strategy focusing on quality and relevance.
  2. Engage in guest blogging, partnerships, and PR campaigns to earn backlinks.
  3. Conduct regular backlink audits and disavow harmful links.

SEO Objectives: Engagement vs. Conversion


  • Focus on optimizing your listings to boost conversions. This includes high-quality images, detailed and compelling product descriptions, and competitive pricing.
  • Encourage reviews and ratings, as positive feedback can significantly influence purchase decisions.
  • Utilize Amazon’s A+ Content (for brand owners) to enhance your product descriptions with rich media.

Action Steps:

  1. Optimize product listings for conversion with high-quality content and images.
  2. Actively manage and respond to customer reviews and feedback.
  3. Utilize Amazon’s enhanced content features to provide additional value.


  • Aim to improve user engagement and dwell time on your site by providing valuable content, an intuitive user interface, and a seamless user experience.
  • Utilize Google Analytics to track user behavior on your site and identify areas for improvement.
  • Regularly update your website with fresh content, ensuring it remains relevant and engaging to visitors.

Action Steps:

  1. Enhance website user experience and content value.
  2. Monitor user engagement metrics and optimize based on findings.
  3. Keep the website content updated and relevant to encourage return visits.

By understanding and acting on these critical differences between Amazon and Google SEO, sellers can effectively tailor their strategies to each platform, maximizing their visibility, engagement, conversions, and ultimately, sales.


Conclusion: A Dual-Front Strategy

For online sellers, the key takeaway is that both Amazon SEO vs Google SEO strategies are crucial but distinct. Integrating both approaches can amplify your online presence, driving organic traffic, boosting exposure, and enhancing sales and conversions. Understanding these differences and implementing tailored strategies for each platform can significantly impact your online business's success.

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