5 Common Content Mistakes Sellers Make on Marketplaces

Avoid the pitfalls that can derail your online sales! This detailed guide highlights 5 common content mistakes sellers make on platforms like eBay, Amazon, and Walmart. Learn why these errors...
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Navigation  coverage – German ecommerce marketplaces

Navigation coverage – German ecommerce marketplaces

Navigation coverage on German marketplaces varies radically. Our survey have shown and extremely mixed bag of results from a perfect 100% down to under 20% coverage. (more…)
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Navigation  precision – German ecommerce marketplaces

Navigation precision – German ecommerce marketplaces

In terms of navigation precision, German ecommerce marketplaces vary significantly. Some score with over 95% precision on their navigation systems while some go into 70% area and some are not even measurable. (more…)
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German ecommerce marketplaces navigation – infrastructure survey

German ecommerce marketplaces navigation – infrastructure survey

In this review, we scanned six major German ecommerce marketplaces navigation systems and focused on the navigational infrastructure for the 3 categories in each of them: Women’s T-Shirts, Women’s Boots, and Smartwatches (more…)
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Data precision and recall on ecommerce site

Data precision and recall on ecommerce site

Unlike the enterprise sellers, who can miss a tag but still make a sell, sellers that sell on a marketplaces have only one shot. If they don’t take care of their recall and precision rates they will lose sale after sale to their competition.  Product data tagging is a big and necessary step in building…
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