Images and videos for SEO

Listing optimizationMarketplace SEOEcommerce
By Yuval Ginor, Jun 15,2023

Images and videos for SEO

Incorporating images and videos for SEO purposes in product listings can help boost sales and improve rankings in the marketplace. High quality and relevant images and videos can increase listings’ exposure, provide shoppers with confidence inspiring information, and encourage more conversions.

Incorporation of images and videos in product listings can be very beneficial, both in terms of SEO and in terms of sales generation.

How Images and Videos Impact SEO

  • Images and videos can help make listings more attractive and engaging, which increases their exposure in the marketplace. 
  • Incorporating relevant keywords in image and video alt text can also boost the listing’s ranking in the search results page (more on that later).
  • Many search engines, both traditional and marketplace search engines, give preference to listings that contain high quality videos and images. 

How Images and Videos Impact Sales

  • Including relevant images and videos of the products help shoppers get a true sense of what they are about to purchase, increasing the chances of conversions.
  • High quality images and videos that accurately and completely present the product contribute greatly to the shoppers’ confidence in the store and products.
  • Making sure the images and videos clearly present every side, angle and aspect of the product ensures the number of returns will drop. 

Incorporating images and videos in product listings can help boost sales and improve rankings in the marketplace. High quality and relevant images and videos can increase listings’ exposure, provide shoppers with confidence inspiring information, and encourage more conversions. 

Images and Videos Optimization

Here are some tips on how to optimize listings’ images and videos:


  • High quality images are highly recommended. 
  • Make sure the images cover every side of the product, giving shoppers a complete picture.
  • Balance image quality with its size. Compress images to improve loading time, but make sure the quality is not reduced too much.
  • Incorporate keywords into image file names and alt texts.


  • Product videos should be both informative and engaging. Like images, they should give shoppers a complete picture of the product, highlighting its benefits and unique attributes.
  • Include videos of the product in use. This helps shoppers visualize the product. 
  • Upload the videos to third-party hosts, like Vimeo, and insert them into the listings, as a way to boost exposure and traffic. 
  • Incorporate relevant keywords into the file name, title, description, etc. 

Additional Tips

  • Attract more shoppers by using engaging titles and captions for images and videos. 
  • Use images and videos strategically throughout the listing in order to provide shoppers a better shopping experience. 
  • Increase search engine engagement by providing structured data markup for images and videos. 

Images and videos play a critical role in shopper engagement with the listing. Provide shoppers a great shopping experience by incorporating high quality, engaging and informative images and videos of the product. Don’t forget to also incorporate keywords in the alt text for more exposure.  

Keyword Incorporation in Images and Videos

An important part of images and videos for SEO is the incorporation of relevant keywords into images and videos for each listing. This is done in two ways: in the file names, and in the alt text. Here are some tips on how to incorporate keywords in each:

File Name

  • Do not upload files with names that provide no information whatsoever, such as “image_1.jpg”.
  • Create informative file names. Use them to describe the product and incorporate relevant keywords.
  • As search engines cannot read spaces in file names, remember to replace them with hyphens. 

Alt Text

  • Use alt text to provide more information to search engines about images and videos.
  • Create descriptive alt texts and incorporate relevant keywords into them.
  • Be careful not to overstuff the alt text with too much, or irrelevant keywords, as this can hurt the listing’s performance in the marketplace. 

Adding keywords to file names and alt texts can help increase the listing’s exposure and improve marketplace rankings. Create short and descriptive file names and alt texts, and strategically incorporate relevant keywords in them.   

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