5 Common Content Mistakes Sellers Make on Marketplaces

Avoid the pitfalls that can derail your online sales! This detailed guide highlights 5 common content mistakes sellers make on platforms like eBay, Amazon, and Walmart. Learn why these errors...
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Product title optimization

Product title optimization

At first, balancing the demands of each, shoppers vs. marketplace search engines, may seem confusing and challenging. But with time and practice you will get better and better at it. So keep on and product title optimization will become natural to your listing process. (more…)
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Keyword research for marketplaces – prioritization

Keyword research for marketplaces – prioritization

By following the initial keyword research for marketplaces, your keyword list should contain dozens of keywords and keyphrases. But how do we decide which to keep and which to discard? Now we get to a crucial part of the keyword research for marketplaces - prioritization. There are a number of criteria by which sellers can…
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Keyword research for marketplaces

Keyword research for marketplaces

In this article, we will share some insights into how to conduct keyword research for marketplaces, so you will be able to correctly identify which keywords are most advantageous to your marketplace product listings.  (more…)
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Do not invest in SEO if

Do not invest in SEO if

Following are some of the cases where we would say “Do not invest in SEO if” as the investment in SEO might not be the best solution for your online store. Our recommendations follow. (more…)
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Tangential SEO – introduction

Tangential SEO – introduction

Tangential SEO is a new and competitive way to increase your exposure and boost organic traffic. It allows you to reach whole new audiences by generating high quality content that is indirectly related to your offerings. By now, the importance of SEO for traditional searches and marketplaces alike is common knowledge. The vast majority of…
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Ebay SEO tips & tricks

Ebay SEO tips & tricks

The high level of competitiveness on eBay allows sellers who are SEO-oriented to rise above their rivals, and generate more revenue. This guide will give you a few Ebay SEO tips & tricks to enhance your eBay listing and push them up to the top of the search results page. (more…)
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