5 Common Content Mistakes Sellers Make on Marketplaces

Avoid the pitfalls that can derail your online sales! This detailed guide highlights 5 common content mistakes sellers make on platforms like eBay, Amazon, and Walmart. Learn why these errors...
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Automatic good till canceled policy

Automatic good till canceled policy

Ebay’s automatic good till canceled policy is not that bad. In fact, it is a good policy that can really help sellers who know how to utilize it and implement it in their Ebay SEO practice.  (more…)
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Why marketplace SEO is so important

Why marketplace SEO is so important

While paid marketing campaigns end when the money stops, marketplace SEO keeps on pushing products sales regardless of any marketing campaign, at a very low one-time cost. This is why marketplace SEO is so important. (more…)
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Marketplace SEO and Ecommerce SEO

Marketplace SEO and Ecommerce SEO

The regular Ecommerce SEO also focuses on the content, but it also deals with the page structure, linkage, meta data, URL and more page aspects. While these are very important - sellers usually have little to no control of these parameters on the marketplace listing page. Hence the difference between the marketplace SEO and Ecommerce…
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Invest in marketplace SEO

Invest in marketplace SEO

The ecommerce marketplace is a very crowded and highly competitive world. Sellers often sell the same products, competing over the same potential customers. That is why sellers must invest in marketplace SEO in order to win this race. (more…)
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Marketplace search engine optimization

Marketplace search engine optimization

There are considerable differences between traditional search engines, like Google, and marketplace search engines, like the ones used by Rakuten, Yahoo! Shopping and eBay, hence marketplace search engine optimization requires some very specific action on the part of the sellers. (more…)
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Title optimization for Ebay listings

Title optimization for Ebay listings

Titles are one of the most essential parts of the listing, because not only is it the first thing shoppers see of the product, but also because Ebay uses the title to rank listings in the search result page, thus consistent investment in title optimization for Ebay listings will yield sales benefit immediately. (more…)
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