Amazon SEO vs Google SEO: The Differences for Online Sellers

Optimizing for Amazon and Google SEO is a pivotal strategy for sellers aiming to increase their online visibility. This post delves into the crucial differences and strategies of Amazon SEO...
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Impact of tagging on sales – Kitamura camera 3 months case study

Impact of tagging on sales – Kitamura camera 3 months case study

The impact of tagging on sales for Kitamura camera was 213% more sales for tagged items compared to the non tagged items at the same period of time. Even higher positive gap observed in page views and unique users KPIs. (more…)
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Navigation coverage – Ebay

Navigation coverage – Ebay

There is a great variance in navigation coverage on Ebay between the different categories and different platforms. In contrast to navigation precision, however, there is no correlation between coverage levels and whether or not a category is structured. This means that the seller has the responsibility to ensure his products tagging (more…)
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Navigation precision – Ebay

Navigation precision – Ebay

When measuring navigation precision on Ebay its clear that categories that have structured data catalogs, consistently yield higher levels of navigation precision with an obvious positive effect on sales. However, though very large and important sections of site, cannot be structured with catalogs, the situation can be helped. (more…)
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Navigation  coverage – German ecommerce marketplaces

Navigation coverage – German ecommerce marketplaces

Navigation coverage on German marketplaces varies radically. Our survey have shown and extremely mixed bag of results from a perfect 100% down to under 20% coverage. (more…)
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Navigation  precision – German ecommerce marketplaces

Navigation precision – German ecommerce marketplaces

In terms of navigation precision, German ecommerce marketplaces vary significantly. Some score with over 95% precision on their navigation systems while some go into 70% area and some are not even measurable. (more…)
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Filters and attributes: Let’s make sense

Filters and attributes: Let’s make sense

Filters and attributes on ecommerce site are highly effective tools to sort out and slice through large amounts of data, most often too broad to explore efficiently. In an online store that sells thousands of products, filters and attributes are essential for customers in order to successfully navigate through them.  (more…)
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