Ebay listing conversion optimization

Data qualityFeed managementEcommerce
By Yuval Ginor, Sep 18,2022

Ebay listing conversion optimization

One of the most critical aspects of search optimization, and perhaps the most complex, is Ebay listing conversion optimization. The conversion rate reflects the relation between the number of shoppers who visited the listing and the number of shoppers who wound up purchasing the product. If out of 10 visitors, 5 proceeded to purchase, then the listing’s conversion rate is 50%.

Naturally, the higher the conversion rate, the higher eBay will place the listing in the search results page, while a low conversion rate will cause the listing to drop down. This is why attracting the right shoppers - the ones who are interested specifically in your products - is better than attracting a lot of shoppers with only mild interest in the product. In the first instance the conversion rate will be much higher. 

This is how sellers can improve their conversion rates:

High Quality Images

Product images play a very big role in every listing. A listing with no images arouses doubts  and shoppers will simply ignore it and move on. Sellers should include in their listings a set of images that depicts the product clearly and accurately, so shoppers will have all the information they need to make an informed decision. Using high quality images is also important, as it makes the listings seem more professional than listings with bad images.  

eBay demands that images must be at least 500 pixels on the longest side, but it is recommended to use higher quality (go for at least 1500 pixels). eBay also prohibits the use of images with text, artwork or marketing material, watermarks, or any images that do not accurately represent the product. Make sure you stick to the rules, because eBay enforces them quite strictly.  

High quality images have an added importance when it comes to mobile, as shoppers in this channel are much more likely to rely mainly on the image when deciding whether to buy or not, rather than the text. Sellers can add up to 12 images per listing, and it is recommended to include as many images as possible in order to increase the chances of a successful sale. 

Ebay listing conversion optimization - image

The best images are images that show the product from different angles, display the brand (if relevant), and provide helpful closeups, preferably on a white background. 

It is important to keep the shoppers in mind. After all, they are the ones who are going to buy the products, so what do they look for in an image? A lot of it depends on the product. 

When it comes to fashion, sellers are advised to include images with color variations (if relevant), and also shots that display the product in its actual use. For instance, someone wearing your summer dress on a beautiful sunny beach. When selling furniture, for instance, it is helpful to include images with the product’s dimensions, and so on.  

High quality images are a major factor in conversion optimization. Sellers may not notice their contribution when the images are high quality, but a listing with low quality images will definitely perform badly and drop down in the results page. On the other hand, listings with high quality images attract the right shoppers, and provide them with enough information to make an informed purchasing decision, leading to better conversion rates, ranking higher in the search results pages and generally improving Ebay listing conversion optimization. 

Accurate and Complete Product Description

As product images take a more prominent role in attracting shoppers, the product description has lost some of its perceived importance, which leads sellers to neglect it. However, many shoppers still use the description to learn more about the product, and make sure it is the product they actually want to buy. If the description does not provide them with all the information they need to make a purchase, odds are they will move on to another listing, bringing down the listing’s conversion rate. 

The product description should include accurate and complete information about the product, while keeping the shopper engaged. The product description should include:

  • Features of the product
  • How the product can benefit the buyer
  • What makes the product unique
  • What is included
  • Dimensions and weight
  • Special instructions

In addition, while a common practice by some, sellers should not include contact details or shipping information in the description, as this information belongs in a different area of the listing. Links to third party websites should also be avoided, because if shoppers buy the product through the link, the listing is not counted as converted. 

Most importantly, sellers should check and make sure that the listing is displayed properly on different devices. As PC and mobile displays are quite different, it is important to make sure that the listing looks good everywhere and on every device. 

Listing Template

eBay offers its sellers a listing template they can use for creating new listings. For some reasons, many sellers prefer not to use the template, instead using a simple text description. This may go back to the days when the templates were very complicated to work with and required coding, or to the general assumption that Cassini did not work well with HTML. 

Today, however, listing templates are very easy to work with, they work well on all devices, and generally require much less work than before. The results are undeniably better than simple text description, and make the whole listing look more attractive.  

Similar looking listings, carrying the same brand name, seems much more professional, inspiring confidence that a serious company is behind the listings. If such efforts were invested in creating an engaging and informative listing, then the products must be of high quality as well. Whether true or not, perception matters a lot. 

In fact, most of the eCommerce world is built on perception. The shoppers don’t meet the sellers or feel the products. They cannot tell what it is like buying your products until they have actually done it. As a seller, all you can do is make them feel confident that what they see is what they will get, and encourage them to make the purchase. 

The shopping experience does not end there, of course, as there is shipping and support to handle, but the inspiring confidence within your customers is what leads to better Ebay listing conversion optimization. 

Top Rated Seller

eBay awards sellers with exceptional performances with Top Rated Seller badges, which give them exclusive benefits. There are two levels to the program - Top Rated Seller and Top Rated Plus, and sellers are highly recommended to try and qualify for both. The main qualifications are:

  • A defect rate less than or equal to 0.5%
  • Cases closed without seller resolution less than or equal to 0.3%
  • A late shipment rate less than or equal to 3%
  • Tracking uploaded within the stated handling time, and carrier validation for 95%
  • A 30-day-or-longer free return period with money back option
  • Same or one-business-day handling

Sellers who qualify will receive the Top Rated Plus seal, displayed prominently in search results and product description.

The Top Rated badges inspire a lot of confidence in the brand and help shoppers feel more comfortable buying from the seller, especially when it comes to expensive products. This, of course, leads to better conversion rates. In addition, Top Rated Plus status also gives the seller a 10% discount on final value fees. 

Considerate Return Policy

When shopping on Amazon, shoppers know that they are buying from Amazon, who will do everything to make sure they have a pleasant shopping experience. In eBay, however, shoppers deal directly with individual sellers, which may seem less secure. That is why return policies are a big issue on eBay.

In fact, eBay takes just as much pains as Amazon to guarantee a good shopping experience for their customers. More often than not, eBay sides with the shopper in disputes. But as we mentioned before, perception is what matters. In order to reassure the shoppers that the seller is trustworthy, and that in any case they could return the product, it is a good practice to adopt as flexible a return policy as possible. 

An online study discovered that 67% of shoppers say they normally check the return policy before making a purchase, and that 92% of shoppers say they would buy something again if they are happy with the return policy. This is the reason eBay puts so much emphasis on return policy, and sets it as one of the qualifications for Top Rated Plus. 

It is important to note that eBay cannot make a return policy mandatory, partly because not everywhere in the world the law requires sellers to accept returns. However, a listing without a return policy, especially in categories like fashion, where size issues are a common cause for returns, immediately raises red flags. Today, most sellers offer some sort of a return policy, and the ones who still don’t risk a low conversion rate which will drag the listing down to the bottom of the search results page. 

Keeping all these points in mind will help Ebay listing conversion optimization and will place seller closer to the buyers eyes and his wallet.

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