Optimize marketplace product data in seven steps

Data qualityFeed managementEcommerce
By Yuval Ginor, Feb 17,2022
Optimize marketplace product data in seven steps

Sellers’ main objective is to have their products appear at the top of the search result page. In order to achieve this objective, the product data must be optimized. In this post we will describe how sellers can optimize marketplace product data in seven steps.

The ecommerce world is highly competitive, with the majority of traffic coming into the marketplaces and online shopping platforms from third party searches, such as Google. With such intense competition, individual sellers probably have no chance of actually competing with retail giants like Amazon or Ebay. Still, by following some basic rules, sellers can take advantage of these platforms in order to attract traffic and boost sales for their own online store. 

Sellers’ main objective is to have their products appear at the top of the search result page. In order to achieve this objective, the product data must be optimized. In this post we will describe how sellers can optimize marketplace product data in seven steps. Following these steps will help increase the products’ findability and increase conversion rates. 

Step 1: Keywords

When shoppers are looking for products to buy, they usually use keywords in their search queries. Sellers should optimize their product data by incorporating the keywords their target audience uses most often. This will ensure that search engines rank the listings higher on the search result page, which gives sellers an advantage over their competition. 

When deciding on which keywords and key phrases to include, it is recommended to use long tail keywords, rather than single words, which cast too wide of a net. Instead of “Air Jordan Sneakers”, it is better to use “Air Jordan Mid 1, Red Black”. The second keyphrase is much more specific, more relevant to the shoppers, and increases the chances of the product to be ranked higher. Sellers can use Google Ads to find the most relevant keywords and keyphrases for their products. 

Step 2: Product Title

One of the most important aspects of the product listing is its title. It is one of the first things shoppers see, and it describes to them and to the search engine what the product is. The best titles are informative, include effective keywords, and engaging. 

It is important to remember not to overdo it. Short and informative titles are often much more effective in attracting shoppers than long and confusing product titles. 

Step 3: Images

No listing is complete without the product’s image. It is a great way to highlight the benefits of the product, and to improve conversion rates. It is recommended to use high quality images, showcasing the products from different angles, when relevant, and follow the image rules of every marketplace you operate in. In terms of SEO, sellers should name their image files with informative file names, and try to include relevant keywords. This will indicate the relevancy of the images to search engines and improve the ranking of the listings. 

In addition, according to studies, 73 percent of all consumers are more likely to purchase a product after watching videos reviewing it. Sellers should attempt to give the shopper the most complete view of the product, so that the shoppers can make an informed purchasing decision. 

Step 4: Product Description

Once shoppers click on to the product page, an engaging and creative product description is what helps make the sale. Sellers should put in the effort in creating a unique and engaging description for every product they sell. The product description should also include keywords and keyphrases that will improve its ranking in search engines, and increase the products’ findability.  

Most marketplaces limit the number of words sellers can write in the description, but 250-300 words is what sellers should aim for. Descriptions with less words may be deemed too insignificant for search engine bots, and so will be ignored.

The product description is where sellers can express themselves by creating unique content that will allow them to stand out from the competition. The description should highlight the best features of the product, and describe the benefits the shoppers may gain from it.  

Overall, the product description should be engaging and simple to understand. Try different formatting, for example, a bullet point list is a good way to attract the customer's eye, as they will be drawn to it. Help shoppers understand why they should purchase the product. 

Step 5: Customer Reviews

Customer review is a great way to boost conversions, as shoppers who interact with reviews convert at a 58% higher rate than those who don’t. Encourage your satisfied customers to write a positive review of the product, adding a different, unique perspective to the product description.

Shoppers are always happy to have a pleasant and helpful interaction with a business. So sellers should engage with their customers in such manners, and make sure that a customer in need of assistance is taken care of. With such interaction, the customers’ loyalty to the brand will only increase.

Step 6: Linking

Some marketplaces allow sellers to include links in the product description. This is a great opportunity to cross-sale. Adding links to similar or related products allow shoppers to easily and efficiently move from one relevant product to the other, improving the overall shopping experience. It also helps search engine bots to understand the structure of the store, and how the different products are linked to one another. 

The product description can also be used to link to external websites, such as a store website or the manufacturer’s website, to shoppers who are interested in more information regarding the product or the store. It is helpful to create networks with relevant sites or blogs that will help sellers spread their listings. Another good way to strengthen the brand is to search online for current references that are not linked. It is worthwhile contacting the persons responsible and have them link their reference to the listings. 

Step 7: Product Attributes

Sellers should provide shoppers with as many product details as possible, to help them make an informed purchasing decision. The best way to do this is to tag the products according to their relevant attributes, such as size, color, material, type, etc. The more relevant attributes are provided, the easier it is for shoppers to find the product they are looking for. Conversely, failure to tag products will result in them not appearing in searches. 


In order to stand out in the highly competitive world of ecommerce, sellers should optimize their listings for better performances. Remember the 7 steps:

  • Step 1: Keywords - Use the keywords most relevant to your market
  • Step 2: Product Titles - Should be informative and easy to understand
  • Step 3: Images - Use high quality images, from different angles
  • Step 4: Product Description - Should be unique and engaging 
  • Step 5: Customer Reviews - Encourage and incorporate customer reviews 
  • Step 6: Linking - Include links to similar or related products you sell, and use the opportunity to increase traffic in the store’s website
  • Step 7 Product Attributes - Make sure shoppers find your products by taggings them according to their relevant attributes. 

Now sellers can optimize marketplace product data in seven steps and see how their listing performance improves instantly across marketplaces.

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